welcome to turn the page health

Empowering You to achieve optimal health

In our sessions, you can expect a supportive, non-judgmental environment where we work collaboratively toward your goals. We are committed to empowering you with the tools and knowledge needed to take control of your wellness journey. Whether you’re struggling with a specific issue or seeking personal growth, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

We Can Relate

Is This You?

Is this you? Feeling overwhelmed by stress?

Strategies for stress management and mindfulness practices.

Tips for balanced eating and meal planning.

Exploring sleep hygiene and energy-boosting habits.

Fun ways to incorporate movement into your daily routine.

Offering dietary advice that emphasizes anti-inflammatory foods can help manage pain levels and improve health.

There is a healthcare crisis in our Nation

The current state of the healthcare system mirrors a troubling trend – one that prioritizes quick fixes over long-term solutions, and merely treats symptoms instead of addressing the root causes.



Why do you want to optimize your health?

"I want to be able to play on the ground with my grandkids."
"I want to take that trip to Europe and walk all over the city."
"I want to go hiking and spend time outside with my family."
"I want to try new things that I've been dreaming about."
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Why are so many people Suffering?

Stress Imbalance

3 Types of Stress

We can never fully eliminate stress. And while some forms of physical stress can be good, like performing a work-out, excessive stress can negatively impact the body.


Some physical stress can be good, like going to the gym and working out. But if there is injury or we are carrying excess weight, that becomes negative stress on the body.

Chemical stress comes from the food we eat, the water that we drink, and the air that we breathe so we need to make sure that our body is running optimally.

Although you can’t change other people who may incite emotional stress, you can change the way your mind and body reacts to this type of stress. There are tools and techniques you can learn to use to reduce emotional stress.

We Can't Stop Aging, but we can Take control of Our Health.

take control of your health naturally

5 pillars of Health

While some aspects of life are out of our control, there is much we can do to positively impact our health.


Detoxing is important, and even healthy people need to detox because we live in a toxic world. Forget what you’ve heard or done in the past to detox, and come into this pillar with an open mind as we make detoxing easy with real food and supplementation to support your liver and gut.

When tackling nutrition, we are going to slowly crowd out the bad foods with good foods making slow, sustainable choices. We take sustainable steps so that we get you to where you want to be, and figure out what works for you and your unique body.

What works for one doesn’t work for all. And when you don’t feel good, it’s hard to motivate yourself to move. We work with you to find out the ideal way to get your body moving that works with your lifestyle.

If you don’t address hormones, you won’t be able to reach your goals, especially concerning weight loss. We rely on specific testing using functional ranges to inform us on how to address hormone imbalance and help us get at the root cause of what’s going on.

We’ve incorporated mentorship into our program to create a supportive system to educate and empower you, guide you through your journey, hold you accountable, encourage you, celebrate your successes and, essentially, be there for you every step of the way. 


Live Webinar or Video

Either watch video or contact us to reserve a spot at our next live webinar.


Discovery Call

Schedule a call to get to know each other better and see if our services are a good fit.


Wellness Evaluation

During this 1-hour in-depth discussion, we’ll assess your health concerns and your goals and come up with a plan of action to get you to your goals.

Wellness Evaluation

Comprehensive Care

Let's Get Started With A Full Wellness Evaluation

We begin our time together with your wellness evaluation and get a comprehensive look at your health and where you want to be.

Full Metabolic Assessment

Discover more about your unique body’s inner workings with a full metabolic assessment that delves into your body’s processes related to digestion, hormones, and overall health.

By evaluating factors such as foggy thinking, memory, depression, and anxiety, we can gain valuable insights into your brain chemistry and uncover opportunities for targeted interventions.

This piece of the evaluation focuses on defining your destination and identifying what you want to achieve.

turn the page health program

Everything You Need to Turn the Page on Your Journey to Health and Wellness

Our personalized functional health consulting fills the gap in conventional care, ensuring you feel truly heard, supported, and hopeful about your healing journey. Together, we’ll uncover what helps your unique body thrive, design an achievable path forward, and guide you through a meaningful transformation to be your best self.


Dive into short, insightful videos that empower you with knowledge and guidance to navigate your unique wellness journey.

Health Coaching

Experience compassionate and empowering guidance as we walk alongside you, offering personalized support, motivation, and strategies to unlock your inner resilience on your quest for self-improvement and empowerment.

Lab Testing

Uncover the profound truths about your body through lab testing, providing you with personalized insights that illuminate the path to holistic health and well-being, helping you understand the intricate story your body is telling.

1:1 Provider

Connect with a dedicated healthcare partner who understands your individual needs and supports you on a personal level, walking with you as a compassionate guide on your journey toward better health and happiness.


Access a range of natural, high-quality supplements carefully selected to complement your unique wellness plan, empowering you to enhance your health from the inside out and nourish your body with the support it deserves.

Community Support

Find a nurturing and understanding community that becomes your strength and additional source of encouragement, fostering a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and shared experiences as you navigate the ups and downs of your transformative journey.

“You can’t put a limit on how much you can improve and how much you can do. There are no limits on what you can be, or what you can do, except the limits you place on yourself.”

– Brian Tracy

optimized health is a click away

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